Welcome to Raida's Cycle of Life Tour Page
Wow my 6th Cycle of Life Tour!! With many returning teammates, and a few new faces, this year’s fundraising and ride looks to be awesome!
When I joined my first Cycle of Life Tour in 2019 it was to ride in honor and memory of my father who (in 2017), had spent his final few weeks under the professional and compassionate care of Comox Valley Hospice at the Views. I will always be grateful for my fathers peace and comfort in his final days. To support those who cared for my father…I convinced my friend Margaret to join me in the tour that year. We had an amazing time becoming part of “Team Cyclepaths”. We met a group of dedicated and fun teammates. We spent countless hours riding the roads of the Comox Valley. There were many days out in the community raising awareness and funds for Comox Valley Hospice Society. We had our hearts touched by so many stories of hospice care.
A few weeks after the 2019 tour Margaret was diagnosed with cancer. After a short but heroic battle, Margaret said goodbye to the world on May 28th of 2020. The Comox Valley lost a bright light and a dedicated community member. I lost a friend.
In the few years, since losing my dad, I had been caring for my mother as dementia took control of her mind and her body. September 2022 my mom joined my dad for eternity.
I ride for my dad….for Margaret….for the people of the Comox Valley….and now I also ride for my mom.
Since that first Cycle of Life Tour in 2019 I have been fortunate to work more closely with Comox Valley Hospice Society and after sitting on their Board of Directors for 2 years am now the first ever (in their 40 year history) CVHS Fundraising Coordinator. I’m excited to be “part of the team”. Comox Valley Hospice Society’s goal is that those in our community who are living with a life limiting illness, are supported and have their wishes respected; that their caregivers receive the help they need, and that they, and their families are supported in their grief.
I feel everyone deserves to be able to access any of the care that Comox Valley Hospice Society provides and this is my small part working towards making that possible.
Help me help Comox Valley Hospice Society to ease the journey of grieving and dying. Every little bit counts. All funds raised by myself and Team Cyclepaths stays right here in the Comox Valley.
Thanks so much for your support
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