2024 Cycle of Life Tour

2023 Tour Ferry Ride
2023 Tour Ferry Ride

Comox Valley Cyclepaths

The members of CV Cyclepaths are very excited and honoured to be representing Comox Valley Hospice Society in the 2024 Cycle of Life Tour.

We come from diverse backgrounds…. Business owners, store managers, home care/hospice nurse, registered massage therapist, directors from CVHS Board! A common bond that we share is that we understand the valuable services that CV Hospice Society provides to the people of the Comox Valley, understand the importance of not only raising much needed funds, but also the importance of raising awareness of hospice care in our community.  In 2022 Teams Cyclepaths was very fortunate and proud to witness the opening of the brand new Aitken Community Hospice alongside the CVHS offices and program space.  We could quite literally see what our fundraising efforts had helped to create. We’re excited to continue to support CVHS to help ensure their programs and services can continue, and maybe even expand! 

Team Cyclepaths will do their very best to help ensure that hospice care will be there for you and your loved ones when you need it the most.

Please help us help Comox Valley Hospice Society #everylittlebitcounts


“Easing the Journey of Dying and Grieving”

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see all our 2024 fundraising events. We put the “FUN” in FUNdraising”!

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