Sparked by an amazing community initiative and fundraiser for a colleague who passed away from cancer in 2010, Graham Robertson, a local Registered Massage Therapist, founded the Cycle of Life Tour and started what he hadn't anticipated becoming an annual large-scale fundraiser for hospice care in our community. The inaugural ride took place in 2011 when Graham cycled alone from Anchorage, Alaska down through the Yukon Territories and British Columbia to Victoria raising awareness and support for Victoria Hospice.
Originally Graham chose Victoria Hospice because of the stories he'd heard from friends and colleagues. " For such a vital role that Victoria Hospice plays in the community, I was shocked by how little the community knew about its services, and this is what drove me into action."
The Cycle of Life Tour has continued to grow and evolve since 2011. No longer a solo long distance ride, in 2013 a group ride format was introduced which enables a significant increase in fundraising potential. To date, the Cycle of Life Tour has raised over $2.6M for hospice care on Vancouver Island
The Cycle of Life Tour is now organized by Victoria Hospice on behalf of local hospices on Vancouver Island. The project would not be possible without a crew of dedicated, amazing volunteers and a select group of very generous, compassionate sponsors and suppliers. Thanks to our generous sponsors, every dollar raised will stay on Vancouver Island to support local hopices.
Graham Robertson - being honored at the 10th Anniversary of the Group Ride 2023