Tell Congress to Increase Funding for Conservation Programs Overseas

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Tell Congress to protect endangered gorillas

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MSCF alert focused on Grauer's gorillas numbers.

Tell Congress to protect critically endangered gorillas

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IUCN has listed Grauer's gorilla Critically Endangered. Tell Congress to help save them by reauthorizing the Multinational Species Conservation Fund (MSCF).

Tell Congress to protect tigers

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Vital protection for tigers in danger! There are less than 4,000 tigers left in the wild, but programs that protect them could soon disappear. Tell Congress to reauthorize funding for tiger conservation programs.


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For Web: Tell your lawmakers to crack down on the illegal killing of wildlife by cosponsoring the END Wildlife Trafficking Act.

Wildlife Catastrophe: Tell The Senate to Reject International Conservation Cuts

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Tell The Senate to REJECT the White House's foreign aid cuts.

Thank City Hall for increasing funding for New York Culture!

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2016 New York City Budget alert thank you to Mayor de Blasio and City Council.

Conflict Minerals Action for WM

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Connecticut: Stop the trade in ivory

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We have a chance right now to ban ivory sales in Connecticut - ask your state legislators to support the ban!

Ban Ivory Sales in Massachusetts

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Massachusetts Ivory Alert for Massachusetts Email

Tell Congress to protect critically endangered gorillas

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IUCN has listed Grauer's gorilla Critically Endangered. Tell Congress to help save them by reauthorizing the Multinational Species Conservation Fund (MSCF).

Protect Hudson Canyon

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Tell the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) to continue the process for designating Hudson Canyon a National Marine Sanctuary.

Tell Congress to protect tigers

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Vital protection for tigers in danger! There are less than 4,000 tigers left in the wild, but programs that protect them could soon disappear. Tell Congress to reauthorize funding for tiger conservation programs.

Tell Congress to Reauthorize Programs that Protect Elephants

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MSCF alert focused on elephants

Tell Congress to Reauthorize Programs that Protect Elephants

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Tell Congress that they must help protect elephants by reauthorizing the Multinational Species Conservation Funds (MSCF).

Speak up for NYC culture before it's too late

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Support Cultural orgs form on homepage

Tell the Trump Administration: We Stand for Wildlife

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Tell the Trump Administration: We Stand for Wildlife - No Matter What


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Send a message to the Nigerian Government to thank them for dropping the destructive 12-mile buffer and re-routing the superhighway away from the habitats for gorillas, elephants, and other species.

Congress, renew the tiger stamp!

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Send a letter to Congress, asking them to renew the Save Vanishing Species Act for 4 more years.

Tell Congress to protect sea turtles

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Poaching, habitat destruction and irresponsible fishing practices have pushed sea turtles to the brink of extinction: right now every species of sea turtle that calls U.S. waters, including the New York seascape, home is endangered.

Tell Congress to protect tigers

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Vital protection for tigers in danger! There are less than 4,000 tigers left in the wild, but programs that protect them could soon disappear. Tell Congress to reauthorize funding for tiger conservation programs.

Save Bronx Zoo & NY Aquarium Funding

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Tell you City Councilmember to support funding for the Bronx Zoo, NY Aquarium and NYC cultural institutions.


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