Frequently Asked Questions

What is Walk to End to Lupus Now™?
Do I need to register for the Walk?
How do I get a t-shirt?
How do I receive other fundraising incentive prizes?
How long do I have to collect and turn in donations to qualify for an incentive prize?
Why should I raise money?
Where does the money go?
What should I do with checks and cash donations?

What is Walk to End to Lupus Now™?

The Lupus Foundation of America’s Walk to End Lupus Now is America’s largest lupus walk program with thousands of walkers across the nation to raise money for lupus research, increase awareness of lupus, and rally public support for the estimated 1.5 million Americans living with lupus.

The Walk to End Lupus Now® Virtual Walk was developed as an option during the current concerns with the COVID-19 pandemic. The most important goal is to decrease opportunities to spread the coronavirus and to protect the health and wellbeing of all participants.

Through the new Virtual Walk, you can walk anywhere – on a treadmill, in your neighborhood, at a local park, or anywhere else you have in mind, always keeping social distancing and protecting others by the use of a face cover.   A virtual walk is a walk that can take place ANYWHERE at ANYTIME. 

Be Powerful and make the commitment to join the Walk to End Lupus Now Virtual Walk.  Become a fundraiser, walk and experience firsthand the power of the movement to end lupus.

Lupus Foundation of America’s Walk to End Lupus Now is America’s largest lupus fundraising program with thousands of participants across the nation to raise money for lupus research, increase awareness of lupus, and rally public support for the estimated 1.5 million Americans living with lupus, including 120,000 Texans.

Do I need to register for the Walk?

Yes, all participants should register for the Virtual Walk. If you have friends, family members or coworkers joining your Virtual Walk Team, they should register as well so they tell their story, raise funds and qualify for participant incentives. Although there is NO registration fee, we encourage every participant to raise at least $100 to support the Foundation’s mission.

How do I get a t-shirt?

Every registered participant raising $100 or more will receive the official purple t-shirt. You can pick up your t-shirt at the Chapter’s office, or you can make arrangements to have it shipped.

Approximately 4 weeks after the fundraising deadline, certificates for all other incentives will be emailed from (please add to your address book to ensure you receive it). Once you select your incentive item, it will be shipped to you. The Lupus Foundation of America reserves the right to substitute an incentive item of equal or greater value.

How long do I have to collect and turn in donations to qualify for an incentive prize?

Donations will continue to be collected up to 4 weeks after the Walk to qualify for one of our prizes. Incentive items are not cumulative. Fundraisers may select one item at or below the level achieved. Company matching gifts are included in fundraising totals if the fundraiser provides the appropriate matching gift form when turning in the eligible donation.

Why should I raise money?

By raising funds for the Walk to End Lupus Now® Virtual Walk, you are helping us fulfill our vision of a world free of lupus through lupus research, education, support and advocacy programs to help improve the lives of all people impacted by lupus.

Where does the money go?

Funds raised from this year’s Walk will help:

  • Lead special research initiatives, fund innovative studies, and advocate for increased public and private investment in lupus research to advance the science and medicine of lupus

  • Translate research findings into useful programs, information, and tools for people with lupus, and ensure health professionals know about new means to diagnose and manage the disease

  • Conduct outreach efforts to increase public understanding of lupus, and share stories of those living with the disease to rally public support to join the fight to end lupus

  • Provide caring support to people with lupus, their families and their caregivers, and help guide them through the complexities of living with lupus.

To learn more on how the LFA, Lone Star Chapter uses contributions, visit the Chapter website.

What should I do with checks & cash donations?

You can mail your check donations to:
Lupus Foundation of America, Lone Star Chapter
14675 Midway Road, Suite 201
Addison, TX 75001

Be sure to write your walker name and team name on each check. Allow 3 weeks for processing. Please do not mail cash.

You can also bring your contributions with you on Walk Day. Download the Offline Contribution Form to record gifts received in checks and cash. Double or triple your fundraising with Matching Gift Programs offered by your and your donors’ employers! Ask your Human Resources department about matching gifts. You can also download a list of Matching Gift companies to see if your employer will match your donation to the Lupus Foundation of America, Lone Star Chapter.  Click here to visit our Chapter website and download the list.