Every Walker is a Fundraiser. With every dollar you raise, you have the power to bring us that much closer to Solving the Cruel Mystery of Lupus.
Let’s put the “fun” in fundraising. Check out the great guides, useful documents and digital downloads below to help you reach and surpass your fundraising goals!
Thank you for all that you do to support people with lupus and their families.
Corporate Team Captain Guide: A step-by-step guide for team captains working in a corporate environment.
How to Recruit Team Membesr Guide: Use this guide to help you build your team and recruit team members.
Goal Setting Worksheet: Use this worksheet to set goals for your walk team and fundraising efforts.
How to Raise $1,000 in 10 Days: Use these easy infographtics to guide you to raise $1,000 in just 10 days!
Fundraising Made Easy: Check out some companies who make fundraising easy for you!
Fundraising Prizes and Contests: Your hard work will not go unnoticed; as a fundraiser you have the opportunity to earn a number of fundraising prizes and rewards for reaching fundraising milestones.
Matching Gift Database
Search our Matching Gift Database to see if your employer (or your donor's employer) has a matching gift program. This is an easy way to double (or even triple) your donations. Matching Gifts count towards your fundraising total.
How Donations Are Used
An overview of the Lupus Foundation of America’s program and initiatives. Send to inquiring donors or bring with you to your next fundraiser.
The Impacts of Lupus on the Body
Lupus is a mysterious disease. Use this graphic to educate yourself and your supporters about how lupus impacts the body.
Team Walk Logo Guidelines
When your team wears their team walk t-shirts or promotes a team activity, they are proudly proclaiming their support for efforts to end lupus and its devastating impact. Designing your own team materials and t-shirts for the walk is a fun way to motivate your team, build camaraderie and get noticed before and on Walk day. If you choose to create walk team materials, please follow these important guidelines. Right-click the links and choose “save target as” to download the team Walk logos.
Social Media Images
Use these images to update your profile picture or to share on your social media platforms. To save the image, right-click the image and choose “save picture as.” When you upload it, be sure to add your fundraising page link or www.LupusNC.org as a caption to the cover photo.
Cover Photos
You can use these cover photos on your Twitter and Facebook profiles. To save the image, right-click the image and choose “save picture as.” When you upload it to Facebook, be sure to add your fundraising page link or www.LupusNC.org as a caption to the cover photo.
For more information on fundraising contact us at info@lupusnc.org or call 704-716-5640.