Moving for Mom

Friends & Family,
The October 19th Moving Day will be my 10th consecutive year participating in the Parkinson's Moving Day Miami in memory of my Mom while fundraising for the Parkinson's Foundation.
Not a day goes by that I do not think of Mom and her daily struggle with Parkinson's Disease. This brain condition causes chronic and progressive issues with movement, mental health, sleep, and pain.
From talking, writing a note, pouring a cup of her favorite coffee, preparing lunch for her grandchildren to walking through Fairchild Tropical Gardens - all movements rapidly taken away by this disease.
And not a day goes by that I do not make my gratitude list while looking for any opportunity to "move" and share her story and bring awareness of this debilitating disease. Please support me in this fight by making a donation. Your generosity will help raise awareness, more funding and more understanding of a disease that affects so many of our family and friends.

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